is not a lender and does not make loans or credit decisions. provides a service to connect borrowers with a lender onlyand is not acting as a representative, agent, or correspondent for any service provider orlender. does not endorse any particular service provider,lender, or loan product. You are under no obligation to use 's service to initiate contact with, request to connect with alender from, or accept any loan product from any service provider or lender. This service is notavailable in all states.

There is no fee for you to submit a loan request at . is not a lender and does not provide lending services. Basedon the information you submit, will connect you with one ofmany partnered lenders within our network.

If your loan request is accepted by a lender, you will be redirected to an e-signature page onthe lender's website. All fees and rate information charged by the lender should be disclosed toyou at that time. You should carefully and thoroughly review the fees and rate informationprovided by the lender before agreeing to the terms of the loan or signing any documents. Youare under no obligation to accept the terms.

If you decide the loan terms provided by the lender are acceptable and wish to proceed, you maye-signature the document evidencing your agreement with those terms. Upon signing, you willenter into a legally binding contract with the lender and will be responsible for all costs andrisks associated with the contract. Your contractual obligations are to the lender, and not to. Please remember that the loan fees and interest rates youagree to are determined solely by the lender and not .

Cash advances (including payday loans) are intended as short-term financial relief and are notlong-term financial solutions. Consumers facing debt and credit difficulties should seek outdebt and credit advisory help. You are encouraged to consult the Rates and Fees page of thiswebsite to learn more about the risks involved with cash advances. You also should review locallaws and regulations governing cash advances and explore possible alternatives to a short termloan.

is not available in all states. specifically does not offer or solicit cash advances inArizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Virginia, Ohioor in other states where prohibited by law. Prohibited states may change at any time and withoutnotice to you. As between you and , all such interaction isdeemed to have taken place in the state of California regardless of where you access thewebsite.

does not guarantee that your loan request will be acceptedby an authorized lender or other service provider. If you are offered a loan, does not guarantee that the fees and rates will be acceptableto you or that your loan will be funded. All decisions relating to your loan are the lenders'decisions, not 's.

In most cases, lenders and other service providers will not require credit scores from the threemajor credit reporting bureaus (Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion). Most lenders and otherservice providers will perform credit checks through alternative providers such as Teletrack, DPBureau or others. These types of non-traditional credit checks usually will not affect yourcredit score. By submitting your loan request, you consent to the use of alternative creditchecks by , its network of lenders and their serviceproviders.